How to place an order

How to buyIt is very easy. All you have to do is follow the instructions of the system. The process occurs in the following steps:

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Delivery of products

DeliveryThe delivery of ordered products is made by courier company DPD. Deliveries are available within the following countries:

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Terms and conditions

Terms and conditionsThe aim of these terms is to govern the relationship between Vinarko Ltd and customers of this on-line shop.

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Using hop in the brewing process is an integral part of the production of beer, even at home. Important features are the type of hops, how to use, doses and guiding methods for calculating them. Usually used in practice is hop pellets.

According to the hops type and the proportion of bitter substances there are two main hop types: bitter and aroma. Depending on the two types is the time of its incorporation into the boiling wort.

Adding hop in the small industries is mainly done twice – adding bitter and aroma hop (double method) or single - with bitter hop.

Bitter hops are added into the boiling wort 10-15 minutes after the boiling has started. In this case, hop bitter substances have enough time to be transformed during boiling. Addition of aroma hops for about 10 ÷ 15 minutes before end of boiling. In this case we keep the maximum of aroma of the hop.

Usually for light beer we import about 80 ÷ 90 mg/l α-bitter acids and for special and slightly bitter beer – about 110 ÷ 130 mg/l α-bitter acids.

Complete methodology for calculating the required amount of hop - Download