Yeast Fermactive FCD - 30g
Difficult fermentation yeast - 30 grams
Specially selected yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ex bayanus)
Recommended applications
- Recommended for all kinds of wines, produced in difficult conditions – potential high alcohol degree, clarified must, high doses of SO2
- For well structured and round wines Chardonnay
- For producing of sparkling wines
- For restarting the fermentation process
Technical characteristics
- Great fermentation ability – quick start of the fermentation process
- Wide temperature range: 8 ÷ 35°C
- From 16,5 g/l sugar produce 1 vol. % alcohol
- Complete fermentation of the sugar
- High resistance against the alcohol: it works well until 18% vol. alcohol
- Low need of nitrogen
- It does not produce sulfur compounds
- Low production of volatile acids- under 0,2 g/l
- For still red or white wines: 10 ÷ 20 g/hl
- For restarting of the fermentation: 30 ÷ 40 g/hl
- For sparkling wines: 15 ÷ 40 g/hl
Manufacturer – France
Offered packages – Package with 30 g of product – 2,10 Euro